“Whisky Galore!” is a 1949 British comedy film directed by Alexander Mackendrick. The story—based on a true event, the running aground of the SS Politician. The movie is set during World War II on the fictional Scottish island of Todday, where the residents face a whisky shortage due to wartime rationing. When a ship carrying whisky runs aground near the island, the locals come up with a plan to salvage the precious cargo without alerting the authorities. The film follows their hilarious and adventurous attempts to hide and distribute the whisky while dealing with nosy officials and unexpected challenges. “Whisky Galore!” is known for its charming humor, memorable characters, and picturesque Scottish setting, making it a classic in British cinema history.
Director: Alexander Mackendrick
Writers: Compton MacKenzie
Stars: Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood, Catherine Lacey
Available on:
Amazon Prime Video
2016 Version
Apple TV